The story begins with Michel Niellon, who started working with his father in the 1950s, when the family still had only 4 hectares of vineyards. Today, there are 7.5 hectares, most of which are located in Chassagne-Montrachet. Already in the 1960s, Michel built the fame of the domaine, placing its name among the most coveted of the denomination, along with Ramonet and other renowned producers.
In 1991, Michel Coutoux, coming from a wine producing family in the Loire Valley, married Françoise Niellon, Michel's daughter, and went to work with his father-in-law, taking over viticulture and winemaking.
Shortly afterwards, Mathieu Bresson, son of Michel Niellon's second daughter, Chantal, also joined the domaine, becoming the fourth generation to manage the winery.
Domaine Michel Niellon currently produces around 50,000 bottles, which are disputed as soon as they leave their cellars. The work in the vineyard is done without the use of herbicides and with a lot of plowing, both to control weeds and to improve the microbiology of the soil. The “rational approach” (lutte raisonnée) is used in pest control. Fermentation begins in stainless steel tanks before the wine (on lees) is passed into barrels (20 to 30% new oak) for malolactic fermentation and ageing. There is no bâtonnage. One of the central points of the personality of the wines of the domaine is the harvest, which is precocious, being always among the first of the appellation to start the harvest, to maintain the acidity and freshness of the grapes, creating wines of enormous precision and perfect balance between the minerality and fruit in each of its lieut-dits.
Origin : Bourgogne, France
Type : White Wine
Grapes : 100% Chardonnay
Alcohol : 12.5%
Bottle Size : 750ml